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BTS Dance Corp.

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BTS Dance Corp.
Natasha Murdoch
248 Main St. West
North Bay, Ontario P1B 2T7

705-472-1513 | phone

Payment Methods
Cash Cheque Visa MasterCard Debit Card
Hours of Operation
Monday:12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Tuesday:12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Wednesday:12:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Thursday:12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Friday:12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Saturday:9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Our Memberships

Terms and Conditions of Enrollment


Fees and Registration 

By registering, I agree that the Credit Card information or Direct Debit banking information provided will be charged for registration of the classes, programs or camps that I have selected. Acceptable methods of payment: Debit, cash, cheque.
Any late payments, no matter the cause, will be subject to a 2.5% interest fee monthly.
A $45 NSF charge payable to BTS Dance Corp. for cheques not cleared by certified cheque, money order, or debit payment.
Summer classes, programs, and camps will be charged in full upon registration. 
Full year programs first instalment of tuition fees will be charged upon registration. Remaining monthly instalments should be paid at the front desk on the 1st of each month (Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr). Payments made in full or lump sum will be available. Additionally, the three-chunk installment payment method is to be paid in September, December, and March. All the above payment methods may be made at anytime through the front desk. Any additional tuition payments will be applied to the last payment.
10-Weeks programs (Wee school, adult classes, social dance, etc.) are to be paid in full upon registration. 
All BTS Dance Corp. tuition payments that were collected with classes that were not taken due to a studio closure for COVID-19 will be fully refundable or given the option to apply the credit to your dancer's account. Optional online (zoom classes) will be offered in substitution of in studio class to continue training, with continued tuition to be charged. Tuition that was due before closer will need to be paid to settle accounts.
 Performers Youth Dance Company students are to refer to the designated contract with Performers for specification on classes.

A multiple class discounts is available and rates based on hours per week are stated in our “Fees” section of our webpage.
Recital costume deposit is due on November 15th. This payment includes a fee of $40.00 for hip hop and $75.00 for all other classes included in the recital. When costumes arrive at the studio, the balance of the costume will be calculated and is due before the costume can be taken home.
All recital costume fees are non-refundable once costumes have been purchased.
BTS Dance Corp. reserves the right to make schedule changes, combine classes or cancel classes with insufficient enrolment if necessary. This is including but not limited to private lessons, regular season classes, Lets Dance Summer Camp, intensives and workshops. 
BTS Dance Corp. reserves the right to make changes to staff at discretion of the Director.
If a class is cancelled within the first month of classes due to enrolment and there is no replacement class that the dancer is able to attend, you will receive a refund less fees pro-rated for classes taken. 
Fees for missed classes (illness, vacation, etc) are non-refundable. 
Students wishing to make a class change must first obtain approval from the Director.  
There are no refunds for cancelled classes due to inclement weather or unforeseen emergencies.  We will email any cancellations or post on our website and social media no later than 2pm on weekdays and 8:00am on weekends. 

Withdrawal Policies & Refunds

BTS Dance Corp. reserves the right to suspend classes from students whose accounts are unpaid or have a balance owing.
Should a student wish to discontinue classes for any reason before the end of a session, the studio requires written notification of withdrawal signed by the parent/guardian or adult student.  Tuition fees remain payable until written notice is received and in addition the following fees will be applied.
  • No refunds from April 1st--May 23rd  if participating in Recital, with the exception of closure due to a government mandated shutdown.
  • If not participating in recital: 
    • All outstanding tuition/recital fees due from April 1st- May 23rd must be paid upon withdrawal.
  • If costumes have already been ordered, parents are responsible for full payment of all costumes ordered for their dancer(s). 

Release of Liability

As the legal parent or guardian, I release and hold harmless BTS Dance Corp. its owners, operators, and staff from any and all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, that may be sustained by the participant and/or the undersigned, while in or upon the premises or any premises under the control and supervision of BTS Dance Corp. of, its owners and operators or in route to or from any of said premises.
Dancers must meet the minimum age requirements.  Dance instruction requires that the dancers are physically capable of moving, capable of following instructions and communicating.  BTS Dance Corp. reserves the right to request that students who do not participate in class, are habitually late or habitually in violation of the dress code or other studio rules, have a meeting with the director or teacher to correct/solve these issues.  All dancers must be physically capable to participate without danger to themselves or others.  All dancers must be toilet-trained with the exception of Wee school.  Prohibited are jewelry, chewing gum, perfume/cologne, snacks with peanuts, nuts or nut products, and offensive language or innuendo on clothing.  
Negative and inappropriate behaviour (deemed by BTS Dance Corp.) which can include gossiping, bullying, and physical bullying or negative comments will not be tolerated and may result in expulsion with no refund of tuition. 
At BTS Dance Corp. our goal is to provide a fun and positive learning environment for children where they can express themselves through the art of dance. We will provide high quality training with educated and experienced teachers. We hope to instill and teach work ethic, respect, confidence, and self-motivation in our dancers so that they can feel and be proud of their accomplishments.

Dress Code & Annual Recital 

All dancers must adhere to dress code in order to participate in classes. If a dancer fails to attend class in required dress code, they may not be permitted to participate in class. Dancers can be asked to observe their class if not properly dressed or groomed, or asked to change, and make adjustments to adhere to dress code.
No refunds to classes that are missed due to improper dress code.  Please review our full Dress Code online on our webpage.
Dancers who do not have dress code shoes or whose accounts are in arrears or whose costume balance is owing will be unable to take their performance costume home until the issues have been satisfactorily resolved. 
There are no refunds for ordered costumes or recital tickets purchased through BTS Dance Corp.  

COVID-19 Policies

As the legal parent or guardian, I agree and will adhere to The Ontario Dance and Performing Arts Studios Workplace Guidelines for Covid-19. (DOWNLOAD – Click Here) Full document is available on our website under the COVID heading.
I understand that BTS Dance Corp. is adhering to all safety measures and protocols and I understand there are risks associated with COVID-19 while attending classes at BTS Dance Corp. in 2021/2022 and do not hold BTS Dance Corp. responsible.
When assessing for the symptoms below, you should focus on evaluating if they are new, worsening, or different from your child’s baseline health status or usual state (check off “Yes”). Symptoms associated with known chronic health conditions or related to other known causes/conditions should not be considered unless new, different or worsening (check off “No”). (see examples below).

After developing symptoms, in general, children should no longer have a fever and their symptoms improving to be able to return to school/child care. Mild symptoms known to persist in young children (e.g. runny nose or mild cough that may persist following infections) may be ongoing at time of return to school/child care if other symptoms have resolved. 

Required Screening Questions 

1. Does your child have any of the following new or worsening symptoms? Symptoms should not be chronic or related to other known causes or conditions. 

Fever and/or chills (temperature of 37.8°C/100.0°F or greater) Yes ? No 

Cough (more than usual if chronic cough) including croup (barking cough, making a whistling noise when breathing) Not related to other known causes or conditions (e.g., asthma, reactive airway) ? Yes ? No 

Shortness of breath (dyspnea, out of breath, unable to breathe deeply, wheeze, that is worse than usual if chronically short of breath) ? ?? Not related to other known causes or conditions (e.g., asthma) Yes No 

Decrease or loss of smell or taste (new olfactory or taste disorder) Not related to other known causes or conditions (e.g., nasal polyps, allergies, neurological disorders) ? Yes No 

2. Does your child have any of the following new or worsening symptoms? Symptoms should not be chronic or related to other known causes or conditions. 

Sore throat (painful swallowing or difficulty swallowing) Not related to other known causes or conditions (e.g., post nasal drip, gastroesophageal reflux) ? ?? ?? Yes ? No 

Stuffy nose and/or runny nose (nasal congestion and/or rhinorrhea) Not related to other known causes or conditions (e.g., seasonal allergies, returning inside from the cold, chronic sinusitis unchanged from baseline, reactive airways) Yes No Headache that is new and persistent, unusual, unexplained, or long-lasting Not related to other known causes or conditions (e.g., tension-type headaches, chronic migraines) ? Yes ? No 

Nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea Not related to other known causes or conditions (e.g. transient vomiting due to anxiety in children, chronic vestibular dysfunction, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, side effect of medication) Yes No 

Fatigue, lethargy, muscle aches or malaise (general feeling of being unwell, lack of energy, extreme tiredness, poor feeding in infants) that is unusual or unexplained Not related to other known causes or conditions (e.g., depression, insomnia, thyroid dysfunction, anemia) ? ? No Yes No

3. Has your child travelled outside of Canada in the past 14 days? ? Yes ? No 

4. Has your child been identified as a close contact of someone who is confirmed as having COVID-19 by your local public health unit (or from the COVID Alert app if they have their own phone)? ? Yes ? No 

5. Has your child been directed by a health care provider including public health official to isolate? ? Yes No

Results of Screening Questions: If you answered “YES” to any of the symptoms included under question 1: 

• Your child should stay home to isolate immediately. 
• Contact your child’s health care provider for further advice or assessment, including if your child needs a COVID-19 test or other treatment. 

If you answered “YES” to only one of the symptoms included under question 2: 
• Your child should stay home for 24 hours from when the symptom started. 
• If the symptom is improving, your child may return to school/child care when they feel well enough to do so. A negative COVID-19 test is not required to return. 
• If the symptom persists or worsens, contact your child’s health care provider for further advice or assessment, including if your child needs a COVID-19 test or other treatment. 

If you answered “YES” to two or more of the symptoms included under question 2: 

• Your child should stay home to isolate immediately. 
• Contact your child’s health care provider for further advice or assessment, including if your child needs a COVID-19 test or other treatment. 

If the individual answers “YES” to question 3, 4 or 5 
• Your child should stay home to isolate immediately and follow the advice of public health. 
• If your child develops symptoms, you should contact your local public health unit or the health care provider for further advice. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. My child has woken up not feeling well, what do I do? 

If you notice that your child has new or worsening symptoms, what you do depends on the symptom and how usual they are for your child. If your child has new or worsening: 
• Fever/chills • Cough • Shortness of breath • Decreased or loss of smell or taste 

Your child should isolate immediately and you should contact your child’s health provider for further advice or assessment. The health care provider can help you determine whether the symptoms are related to another non-COVID-19 condition, or if they should get tested for COVID-19. 

If your child has ONE new or worsening symptom (that is not related to a known cause or condition) that include: 
• Sore throat • Stuffy nose/runny nose • Headache • Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea • Fatigue/lethargy/muscle aches/malaise 

Your child should stay home for 24 hours to be monitored to see whether the symptoms get better or worse. If they start to feel better and symptoms are improving, they can return to school/child care when well enough to do so and no COVID-19 testing is needed. 

If the symptoms get worse, you should contact their health care provider for further advice or assessment. The health care provider can help you determine whether the symptoms are related to another non-COVID-19 condition, or if they should get tested for COVID-19. 

If your child has TWO or MORE new or worsening symptoms (that are not related to a known cause or condition) that include: 
• Sore throat • Stuffy nose/runny nose • Headache • Nausea and/or vomiting • Diarrhea • Fatigue/lethargy/muscle aches or malaise 

Your child should isolate immediately and you should contact your child’s health provider for further advice or assessment. The health care provider can help you determine whether the symptoms are related to another non-COVID-19 condition, or if they should get tested for COVID-19. 

2. My child has a runny nose, what should I do? 

If your child’s only symptom is a runny nose, you should keep your child home and monitor their symptoms as you would in any other year. When they feel better, they are ready to go back to school/child care and no COVID-19 testing is needed. 

If they get worse or develop other symptoms, you should contact their health care provider for more advice. Mild symptoms known to persist in young children (e.g., runny nose) may be ongoing at time of return to school/child care if other symptoms have been resolved. 

3. Who in my family needs to be tested along with my child? 

If your child has been identified as needing a test and everyone else in the family is well, no testing of other family members is needed. If your child tests positive for COVID-19, the local public health unit will contact you/your child and make a plan for additional testing of all close contacts. 

4. Do I need a note from a doctor before my child goes back to school/child care or a copy of a negative test result?

 No, you do not need a note from your doctor or proof of a negative test before your child returns to school/ childcare. 

5. I need more information to feel confident in my assessment, what do I do? 

If you need additional information about COVID-19 or have a question specific to your child and their health, please contact your health care provider.
I understand that procedures and guidelines may change and evolve to fall in line with updated government restrictions.
Should BTS Dance Corp. be forced to close due to Covid-19 all monthly tuition payments will stop at the date of closure OR continue with the request of the guardian/parent of optional online (Zoom) classes.
Any classes not taken after the date of closure that tuition was collected will be fully refundable in the form of a credit on the account or refund.
If outstanding tuition is due for classes already taken, an e-transfer sent to bts.dance.corp@outlook.com to settle up accounts at the time of closure will be required.

Photo/Video Waiver Release

As the legal parent or guardian, I agree to allow and give permission to BTS Dance Corp to use any photos or video footage of my child/children (i.e. class instruction, rehearsals or performances) for promotional use and purposes, should BTS Dance Corp choose to do so, in regards to advertising or community involvement.

Confidentiality & Communication

All personal contact information will remain strictly confidential with BTS Dance Corp. and will not be shared.
We require at least one email address on file for each registered family as this is our main form of communication. 
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